Proof that journaling makes you physically and mentally healthier, plus a how-to guide and writing prompt. Including yoga journaling!
Are you always hungry? Here are 13 reasons why you’re always hungry and how to feel full again.
Yoga fitness in 3 ways: yoga as a workout, as a complement to other training, and as a mental health exercise. Learn how.
Are you aware of how many liquid calories you consume? Check out these high-calorie drinks and 6 healthy alternatives.
Body composition tells us more than weight and body fat. Learn more about body composition and how to change it.
Chronic back pain plagues millions of people. Does yoga for back pain work? Yes! Here’s why , plus nine helpful poses.
Do you often feel tired after eating? Check out these six tips to ensure your lunch is firing you up (not slowing you down!)
3 tips to make yoga for beginners easier. Including instructions on form, function, and inspiration for 12 common yoga poses.
Don’t start a yoga journey before you learn what yoga is and 4 of the greatest benefits of yoga. Here, we explain!
Ice, ice, baby: five cold shower benefits, from improved circulation to a brighter outlook on life! Plus, how to deal.