Here are some important things that women should think about when preparing for a half marathon.
Learn how to prepare for a 10k run ✅ Running training tips for beginners & advanced runners + 2-week prep plan!
Menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal phase: Get to know the menstrual cycle phases and how to exercise during each of them.
Unlock the benefits of tapering the week before a half marathon ✅ Read this before the next race!
Running at night helps you create healthy habits. Find out how changing your schedule can change your life.
Do you suffer from side stitches? Check out these 12 tips to prevent side stitches or get rid of them when they happen.
Use the adidas Running Shoe Tracker to track your running shoe lifespan. Know exactly when it’s time to replace running shoes!
Dealing with urinary incontinence when running can be embarrassing and annoying. Get tips to manage your leaky bladder.
Find out if the running afterburn effect (EPOC) is really significant. Do you really burn more calories?
What you need to know about taping earrings for sports using piercing tape fresh piercings.